Adventures of a Cookie Salesman
Page 7

Oliver and I meet up in Britain to head to GC isle again.  He changed out of those clothes.  I insisted.
We took my boat.  Oliver really like sailing.
Oliver's sea chanteys leave something to be desired.  We sighted land and I was happy to get off the boat.
We didn't see anyone in the tower.  We checked the doors and found them unlocked.
So we headed up to the roof to wait for the GC to return home from a hard day killing miners.
Soon a few GC arrived.  they actually began to listen to me before attacking.  The sale was looking promising.
The one of the cranky GC spoke, disparaging my cookies.
This got the GC thinking in what I would say is a 'wrong way'
Soon I was under attack.  I don;t know what this GC wanted with my butt, but I was dead soon enough to not find out.
The GC are very stupid I have determined.  They wasted 100-200 gold worth of reagents to take the cookies.  If they had just paid me 10, I would have sold them to them.
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