Geocache 12
Go Fly
Another Kite! After a finishing Cache 11 we headed toward the next cache.
Mira, my four year-old decided to sit this one out while Zoe (6) and I attempted it. My wife, Michele, stayed the car as well.
It was the wrong way. After a bit of hiking, Zoe decided to take a break and eat a little food.
After marching through tons of brush, I realized we were way off the track. We were at the bottom the the ravine, with homes below us. You can see the path we walked with the red line. We should have been walking on the path on the top of the ridgeline.
I decided that we had to make it to the ridgeline to see where we were. Zoe was a real trooper as I pushed, pulled, and cajoled her in an assault directly up the hill. After much climbing, we hit the ridgeline. The red line shows the path we took up the hill.
Wow, what a view. Nice breeze. I see why this is called Go Fly a Kite.
It wasn't hard to find the cache once we were up there. A nice big ammo box. The wood hid the box from the casual passersbys.
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