Geocache 15

Kids' Canyon Cache
N 34° 11.098 W 118° 05.918 

Zoe and I headed out to a cache that was supposed to be designed for kids.

Here we are, on the way.

The park wasn't far away.  We had probably been a mile away before and
never knew it was here.

There's a lot of things you can't do in the park.

Zoe brought a lollipop on the trail to fuel her hiking.

The path did have a bit of shade to keep the heat off.
There wasn't any appreciable grade or incline and it was fairly
easy to keep up the pace.  We had to walk about half a mile in.

You can't really see it here, but under this log is a bee hive.
Zoe spied the bees everywhere and we quickly backed off.
There were a few hundred bees buzzing around and we didn't
want to piss them off.

After a small bit of bushwhacking, we found the cache.
It was a little off of the coordinates, but we didn't have a
lot of trouble tracking it down.

Zoe retrieves the cache.

The treasure inside.
We took the bird glider and a fire patrol badge.

The Grandma H travel bug we found inside.

We left a couple party hats, a couple first aid bags, and some
AAA batteries.  Hopefully it will be helpful & fun to others.

As always, Cache In, Trash Out.


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