Spam Turkey

I had seen ads for Spam Turkey, but I had never seen it in the store.
I was shopping with the girls and we headed down the processed food
aisle (my favorite!) and I spied a gold colored tin next to the 
familiar blue Spam tins.

Yes, it was Spam Turkey!

My plans for dinner changed and I bought a tin.

I have to say the package design fits in well with the Spam line.

Inside the tin, I saw the usual Spam gelatinous substance.

The Spam Turkey plopped out of the tin with a familiar 
sucking sound that I remember fondly.
I considered washing off the gel, but decided that to experience
the true essence of Spam Turkey, I must consume the gel as well.

I sliced the Spam, per the directions on the side of the tin.

I began to 'lightly brown' the Spam Turkey, again per the directions.

There was a bit of pan sticking, but I can't blame the Spam for that.
I carefully flipped the slices to ensure they were evenly browned (lightly, of course)

Ah, success.  Looks good doesn't it?

I prepare for my first bit of Spam turkey.
Even my wife Michele was nervous.
Would Spam Turkey live up to the reputation of Spam Original?

As I chewed, I was almost overwhelmed at the taste.
Was it Spam?  Was it turkey? Was is edible?

YES!  A big thumbs up to Spam Turkey!

I found that Spam turkey is the perfect combination of turkey taste and
Spam convenience.  I will be buying more, no matter what Michele says!

I made Spam turkey sandwiches for dinner.

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