Photos from July 19th
It's a Girl!
Mira Lena Pusateri was born On July 11th, 1998 at 2:19 AM.
She weighed 7 lbs., 1 oz. and is 19 1/2 inches long.
Here is Zoe in her brand new bed with little sister Mira. 
Another shot of the Pusateri girls in bed.
This is the first photo of Mira.  It was taken in the nursery within 1 hour of birth.
This is Mira sucking on a pacifier.
Mira in the hospital bassinet.
A picture of Zoe, Michele and Mira.  You can see, Zoe takes a great interest in her new sister.
Michael & Zoe, happy about the new baby.
Here is Zoe with her Papa in an airplane on Sunday.  She had a great time.
Everyone is doing great and we are home from the hospital.  Thank you to everyone for their warm wishes.
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